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Trend Report

Trend Reports display historical monthly, year-to-date and total-year performance metrics as well as census and sample information for a market, submarket, city, county, specified set of hotels, etc.
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Whether you are embarking on a hotel development project, buying or repositioning a property, or just looking to better understand the hotel industry, Trend Reports are the ideal resource to help you conduct a thorough analysis.


  • No individual hotel data is displayed in a Trend Report.
  • Report metrics include Occupancy, ADR, RevPAR, revenue, supply and demand with year-over-year percentage changes.
  • Standard (data for the last 6 years) + 2 bonus years
  • 10 Year (data for the last 10 years) + 3 bonus years
  • Extended (data beginning in 2000)
  • Full (data beginning in 1987 for the U.S., 1991 for Canada, and 1993 for Mexico and the Caribbean.
    • Contact us for non-North America data beginning in 1999.
  • Custom Trends are available to measure performance for a specified set of hotels.
  • Multiple options are available for report currency.

Trend Report

Trend Reports display historical monthly, year-to-date and total-year performance metrics as well as census and sample information for a market, submarket, city, county, specified set of hotels, etc.
Please log in to purchase this product.