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COVID-19 webinar summary: 5 key points on Brazilian hotel performance, 9 February

Knowing you might not have time to watch our full webinars, we are pleased to continue our series of COVID-19 webinar summaries. In this latest edition, we talk performance in Brazil.

More open hotels, more demand

On 28 January, 96% of hotel rooms in Brazil were open. At the same time, the market has been exceeding 30% occupancy since the beginning of November, reaching occupancy levels as high as 37.8% on 9 December. 

Demanda vem crescendo com as reaberturas

High-end average daily rate

All hotel classes in Brazil have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the Luxury & Upper Upscale segment maintained ADR the best in 2020 with just a 3.6% increase. Upscale & Upper Midscale hotels saw just a 2.9% ADR decrease, due primarily to a lack of corporate demand.

Luxury e upper classes com crescimento de diaria media

Regional markets

Brazil’s regional destinations continue to lead recovery in the market thanks to the demand of national tourists. October was Regional Rio de Janeiro’s highest occupancy month (54.0%) in 2020. For comparison during that same month, Rio de Janeiro (capital) posted a 36.0% occupancy level.

Capitais com metade da ocupacao do mercado regional

Weekdays vs. weekends

Leisure demand has been important in Rio de Janeiro, as indicated by higher weekend occupancy levels. For the week ending with 2 January, the market posted a 53.7% occupancy level during the weekend while weekdays produced a 49.3% level.

Sem o Carnaval no Rio, foco na demanda para os fins de semana

Resort average daily rate

Due to continuous leisure demand growth, resorts have led recovery in the country and posted the highest ADR increase (+18%) when compared with city hotels.

Demanda de lazer impulsionando a diaria media

For further insights into COVID-19’s impact on global hotel performance, visit our content hub.