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Bogota occupancy on the books update

On 1 September, Colombia lifted one of Latin America's longest and strictest COVID-19 lockdowns. Since that point, Bogota has seen marginal improvement in hotel occupancy, which reached 20.5% in November. That was up from 14.5% in October and was the country’s highest occupancy level since March (31.3%). With data from Forward STAR, we can now look ahead to see if that momentum will continue in the coming months.

Occupancy on the books

Bogota’s occupancy on the books came in at 24% and 20% for December 14-15, respectively. From there, a steady decline is visible with levels dipping below 10% on the 22nd and remaining there through the holidays and well into 2021. Unfortunately, with last-minute cancelations, levels could be pulled even further downward.

Bogota Occupancy on the books

Shorter booking windows

Week-to-week pickup reflects more last-minute bookings in Bogota on 12-16 December. For the remaining days of 2020, pickup looks much lower due to continued uncertainty around the pandemic and increased capacity allowing for shorter booking times. Whether short-lead bookings outweigh cancelations in the coming weeks remains to be seen.

Bogota pickup

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