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COVID-19 webinar summary: 5 key points on European hotel performance, 7 August

Knowing you might not have time to watch our full webinars, we are pleased to continue our series of COVID-19 webinar summaries. In this latest edition, we talk reopenings in Europe, the impacts of a potential second wave of the pandemic, and what to expect after summer.

Hotels reopen as lockdowns are lifted

While Germany boasts the most open hotels in Europe, U.K. hotels are opening the fastest having started July with 70% of hotels closed and ending the month at just 20% hotels closed.

Hotels reopen as lockdowns are lifted

Staycations bolster European hotel occupancy

European hotel occupancy is significantly healthier moving into August, with coastal markets in many countries experiencing the strongest recovery.

Staycations bolster European hotel occupancy

Some European countries starting to experience “second waves”

Increases in COVID-19 caseloads have caused six countries to re-implement controls, leading to minor occupancy dips over the past week.

Some European countries starting to experience “second waves”

Limited occupancy on the books as summer ends

Many countries are averaging 10-20% occupancy on the books over the next three months. Pickup over the past month has been flat as cancellations and new bookings offset each other.

COVID-19 Europe Webinar 7 August Image 4

Positive pickup in August

Pickup remained positive in August but fell off for the rest of 2020 due to continued uncertainty and increased capacity allowing for shorter booking times.

Positive pickup in August

For further insights into COVID-19’s impact on global hotel performance, visit our content hub.