Previous MRM versions: 9 October | 16 October
Week ending 30 October
U.S. hotel performance for 24-30 October was neither a trick or treat as occupancy dropped to a 25-week low of 58.9% after coming in at 63.9% in the prior week. The decrease was anticipated due to Halloween, which always negatively impacts demand. The decline was most pronounced on the weekend, given that the holiday was on Sunday. Weekend occupancy tumbled down by 10 percentage points week on week versus three percentage points during the remaining days.
Despite the low absolute level, weekly occupancy indexed to 2019 increased, from 91 to 94. That week-to-week improvement is because Halloween 2019 fell on a Thursday, which impacted more days of that week with less business and group travel. Weekend travel after Halloween 2019 was mostly unscathed. In fact, the drop in this year’s weekday occupancy was like 2019’s weekend decline. If this had been a normal year in terms of business and group demand, it’s easy to surmise that the Halloween impact would have been substantially less and relegated to the weekend. However, that may not hold true.